I've been using the Mac for around a year now and I use sshfs all the time to get stuff off of my various Linux boxes. The problem with this is that I have to actually enter my password to get things working, which annoys me, that's what ssh-agents are for. So under 10.4 I got it working by going into /Applications/sshfs.app/Content/Resources and moving sshfs-static to sshfs-static.real and replacing it with the following shell script:

SSH_AUTH_SOCK="/tmp/`id -u`/SSHKeychain.socket" \
 $0.real "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" 
that worked until I upgraded to Leopard. Now MacOS ships with a very well done ssh-agent that does what SSHKeychain used to be required for (but hopefully without the nasty bug that takes up 100% of the CPU form time to time). I got that fixed with the following script instead (I also had to replace sshfs-static-10.5:
SSH_AUTH_SOCK=`launchctl getenv SSH_AUTH_SOCK` \
 $0.real "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" 
I can't find this on the internet anywhere, so I figured I'd share.