1.2 The mod_python version
If you wish to install the mod_python version then you must first install
mod_python. It and instructions on installing it are available from
http://www.modpython.org. Once you have installed mod_python place the
file pyhp_module.py in your site-packages directory (usually
/usr/lib/python2.0/site-packages). After this you
must modify your Apache configuration so it contains the lines:
AddHandler python-program .pyhp
PythonHandler pyhp_module
If you wish to use static variables for speed then you also need the following
line which tells the interpreter to keep the staticvariables dictionary
between instances.
PythonOption AllowStatic True
These directives can be included in the main section of the Apache
configuration file or in a directory, virtual host, or .htaccess